Titania Seemed, For the Moment at Least
“Go, Nigel, go!”
- kiss it with a sister’s kiss
- whose reputation, I am sorry to say, was none of the best
- the house smells like dodgeballs
- include tortoises, elephants, fish, crickets, beetles, chickens and
Tune in next time part 366 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Titania seemed, for the moment at least, non-murderous and in the mood for chit-chat. Of course, if her mood shifted I would be a dead man. I decided to push my luck, just a little.
“Now that you’ve got it, can you tell me what it is? I’d love to understand what the fuss is all about.”
She wagged her finger at me. “That’s a trade secret. But, I guess there’s no harm in sharing a few interesting details. The special substance in your semen is not useful on its own, but must be combined with exotic biochemical agents sourced from other animals that include tortoises, elephants, fish, crickets, beetles, chickens and cobras. I can always tell when Tesla and Tallulah have been tinkering with the recipe, because the house smells like dodgeballs.”
Did she mean the house on Gratin Avenue? The one where Tessa grew up, on the forest-shrouded lot whose reputation, I am sorry to say, was none of the best?
Nah, it was probably some other house.
Titania rolled onto all fours, dropping me a wink over her shoulder as she crawled up the beach a few yards. She plunged her hand deep into the dry sand there and hauled out a black and white backpack. She stood up and put it on, still naked otherwise. “Well,” she said, “this has really been fun, but it’s time for me to get back to the place on Gratin Avenue to complete the formula!” She turned her head to kiss the shoulder strap. To kiss it with a sister’s kiss, which triggered the nanotech fabric of her backpack. It flowed over her skin to form a sort of leotard, and last of all a hard, faceted mask came up over the top of her head and settled over her face.
She took a small red sphere out of a hidden pocket, and stuck it on her nose. She gave it a pinch, releasing a shrill beep.
A strange creature galloped from behind a nearby dune. It took me a second to identify it as two people in a horse costume. The Crystal Clown leapt upon them, crying, “Go, Nigel, go!” and they sped off in a cloud of sand.
bonus points for using them in reverse order