Titania Pulled Open A Drawer
And then you bite me!
- an intensely awkward encounter
- not sure about the sequined t-shirt
- “You must wear them in bed,”
- negotiating with a sneeze
Tune in next time part 848 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Titania pulled open a drawer. She grabbed blindly in it and tossed me whatever she got. “Put this on, too!” It was a leather miniskirt. While I struggled into that, she continued flinging more items at me. “And this! And this! And, and…” I was still trying to zip the skirt. “And then you bite me!” she said exuberantly.
I kept a careful eye on the Crystal Clown while wrapping myself in the additional garments. Fabrics were bunching and binding all over my sweaty body. Her eyes were hungry, and her nanobots in my original outfit were not letting up. Whether she really meant to let me bite her or not, it promised to be an intensely awkward encounter.
“Why do I need all these things?” I asked. I was especially not sure about the sequined t-shirt, which was itchy even through all the other layers.
“You need all of them because I said so!” Titania cried. “You must wear them in bed,” she went on, “and not take anything off until I tell you.”
She shoved me down on my back across the mattress and crawled up alongside me. She tipped her head back, perhaps showing me her neck but the expression on her face seemed more like she was negotiating with a sneeze. My question was, did she want to make it stop, or make it happen?
bonus points for using them in order