“Time’s A-Wasting, General”
partially filled with wine
- does not mean I can’t recognize a sad French clown when I see one
- running towards us with a test-tube in his hand
- “Who says I have intentions?”
- over and done with before happy hour
Tune in next time part 374 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Time’s a-wasting, General,” my wife said. “Eat up. I want to have this over and done with before happy hour.”
I looked at the grapes, knowing it had been she who arranged them to spell that message. “Think of your station, Fleur. This is a public place. Perhaps not an ideal venue for me to comply with your intentions.”
“Who says I have intentions?”
“I do,” I replied wearily. I gestured to the plate in front of me. “And the grapes back me up on it.” I sighed. “And with the way my luck has been lately, we’ll no sooner get started than some zealot will come running towards us with a test-tube in his hand, trying to intercept my delivery.”
“You are no doubt correct,” Fleur surprised me by saying. “It will be him, the spy I pointed out to you. I haven’t been to Paris in many years, and of course he’s wiped away his face paint, but all of that does not mean I can’t recognize a sad French clown when I see one.”
The last clown I’d seen up close had been Titania, who was neither sad nor French, at least not when she left.
“Eat the grapes, husband. You’ll like them. Being grown in the Inimical vineyards, they are already partially filled with wine.”
bonus points for using them in reverse order