Those Erotic Hiccups
(yeah, I sleep naked at home — so what?)
- — the matter is laid before me
- probably some electric phenomenon
- wearing a multi-layered chiffon skirt
- walk a poodle along the East River
Tune In Next Time Part 14 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Those erotic hiccups, probably some electric phenomenon in her brain caused by the time Tessa got a shock while we were doing it in a tank of electric eels, were a huge distraction. I tried to block the thoughts of our aquarium escapade, only to have them replaced by memories of the time the electric blanket shorted out during one of our sweatier encounters. That time Tessa had been wearing a multi-layered chiffon skirt, I had been naked (yeah, I sleep naked at home — so what?) and we both got quite a jolt.
“Hold the wheel steady, Tessa, I need to close my eyes for a minute.”
I had to meditate on the plan. I turned on cruise control to maintain our 5 mph speed. As soon as Tessa had the steering wheel I dropped my hands to my knees in the Gyan Mudra pose and boom — the matter is laid before me in perfect clarity. I can see around all the corners, anticipate every potential pitfall, predict John’s most likely actions.
I held my thoughts in order and slowly opened my eyes.
“The first thing we need to do,” I said to Tessa, “is make John walk a poodle along the East River, if you know what I mean.”