This Life I’ve Been Living
no good for my health
- unexpected circus
- wearing lipstick and satin pants
- “You’re drunk.”
- glitter in your vagina
Tune in next time part 409 Click Here for Earlier Installments
This life I’ve been living is no good for my health, or my sanity. As soon as whoever was ventriloquizing Mingus made him utter the words “Frozen Yogurt Robot” I knew that things were about to take an unexpected circusward lurch, and if I wasn’t careful I’d soon be wearing lipstick and satin pants and all the rest of it, performing at a child’s birthday party.
“If you think I’m going to dress up like a clown on Wednesday, or any other day, you’re drunk.” I pointed at the trio and their unsettling puppet. “You’re drunk.”
“Are all the men in your family assholes?” Tatiana said. She went on in a mocking imitation of my deep voice, “Now that you’ve got my magnificent magical baby glitter in your vagina, babe, I’ll be on my merry way. I’ve got lots of asshole business I gotta do.”
“None of this was my idea!”
Mingus’s wooden head swiveled to look at me, and his stiff eyelids clicked in a blink.
bonus points for using them in order