“There You Are, Arlo”
it’s not really hypnosis
- makes choo-choo noises
- famous for being stubborn
- in ill-fitted clothes
- both sucking on lollipops
Tune in next time part 563 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“There you are, Arlo,” the new arrival said, looking at Jason who was now dressed as me dressed as the Viscount. It was the best man who had earlier given the roasty toast. “That was some bachelor party last night! If you’re lucky, I won’t tell Tessa all the details. But you know what they say, it’s not really hypnosis unless someone makes choo-choo noises when he hears the magic word.” He sneered and said, “Avocado!” while pointing at Jason.
My brother is famous for being stubborn about only making train sounds when they were integral to his raps, and for a moment I thought we might be found out. But with a painful-looking eyeroll he began hooting like a steam engine in ill-fitted clothes and a ridiculous red wig.
The best man guffawed.
Jason might not get an opportunity to check out the honeymoon suite’s bathroom, but that was his problem. As long as he had this guy distracted I could make my getaway. As I ducked through the door the locomotive breathing stopped. I glanced back over my shoulder at the ersatz Viscount and his attendant and saw them both sucking on lollipops.
I shuddered. That was not something I would want to do in a bathroom.
Now all I had to do was steal the bride away from her wedding reception and find a way off this pirate-infested island.
bonus points for using them in order