There Were A Lot Of Rumors
relentless stalking paid off and she agreed to marry him
- that seemed strange
- the naughty dog groomer
- scraped off the rhino skulls
- done this in a ski mask just as effectively
Tune in next time part 752 Click Here for Earlier Installments
There were a lot of rumors — legends, really — about Zeus Pamplemousse, but few hard facts to be had. Even less was known about his wife, Blanchisseuse. The generally accepted narrative of their courtship was that his relentless stalking paid off and she agreed to marry him eventually. It was a rather banal tale that seemed strange next to the outlandish exploits (for example, outpranking the naughty dog groomer) that populated every other chapter of the Pamplemousse saga.
What could this magic word be? Why did it have to come from my beloved’s tongue? Instinct told me that it had something to do with his marriage, and that the truth about their union was surely just as surreal as the rest of this man’s life.
Tessa posed defiantly behind the scant silk pocket square. “Go away, Zeus Pamplemousse!” she hissed. “Leave, or the whole world will learn that your wedding cake’s frosting was scraped off the rhino skulls bleaching in the Serengeti sun.”
“And the man who helped you leave behind so many fears will perish,” Pamplemousse replied airily, “because you lacked the courage to say a single word.”
“She’s braver than you!” I shouted, and immediately remembered Fleur was in the next room. I cringed when I heard sloshing and splashing sounds that unmistakably signified my wife exiting the tub.
Zeus sneered at me, then with lightning speed he bundled Tessa up in his dense cape. “I could have done this in a ski mask just as effectively,” he muttered as he batted me aside and dashed out the door.
bonus points for using them in order