The Stairs Continued Up For Several More Flights
“What color are your panties?”
- pop his gum annoyingly
- No, I still hate him.
- important landmark
- in a bathroom with an anchor
Tune in next time part 917 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The stairs continued up for several more flights, until I was sure I must be nearing the summit of the summit facility. Unbidden, my hand turned the knob on the only door and I found myself in a bathroom with an anchor-shaped toilet and a porthole-shaped mirror. The Nautical Restroom is an important landmark in any Colloquillian public building. This one being full of salamanders meant it was consecrated, and I shouldn’t enter.
But enter I did, compelled by the nanobots coursing through my system. I tangoed over to the very complicated toilet and relieved myself. You might think that I would be grateful to my puppeteer for allowing me to empty my bladder, and providing the knowledge on the workings of such obscure plumbing. No, I still hate him. I imagine he’s the kind of guy to pop his gum annoyingly while you’re trying to read, the kind of guy who asks perfect strangers, “What color are your panties?” and acts offended when they act offended. I didn’t want someone like that handling my junk, even if they were using me as a proxy.
I washed my hands in the clamshell sink.
“At last, we meet again,” came a voice from behind the seaweed shower curtain.
bonus points for using them in reverse order