The Spy’s Words
tried to get to sleep again
- separated from his wife after falling in love with a young actress
- struggled with the question of last names
- musky cologne with a hint of whisky
- the poop problem
Tune in next time part 391 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The spy’s words reminded me that Fleur and Jim had been alone together for quite some time, one floor above my head. My curiosity was roused, and no matter how much I wished it had tried to get to sleep again, it stayed awake. Jim was a source of never-ending drama in our family. The first time he married, he separated from his wife after falling in love with a young actress on his honeymoon. The second time, he and his young actress wife struggled with the question of last names and who should take whose, and their marriage ended after only a month. Now he was married to Esmerelda, but, as always, had a roving eye. And the last time I’d seen Esmerelda she was having sex with my father. Did Jim know about that?
I menaced the spy for a few more minutes so that he wouldn’t know his remark got to me, then I signaled to the warrior-monks holding my children to follow me up the stairs.
I was half-expecting to walk in on Fluer and Jim banging it out, but that isn’t what I saw at all. When I entered the room where I’d left them, there was no sign of Jim. Fleur sat at the table, wearing Jim’s blue panda suit and a dreamy smile. The panda head sat beside her half-mug of coffee.
“Where’s Jim?” I asked.
“He’s on a mission,” Fluer said with a happy sigh. “Did you know that this mascot suit smells just like him? Musky cologne with a hint of whisky.”
“Why are you wearing the panda suit, Fleur?”
“Jim had to borrow my clothes for his mission. He couldn’t very well wear the panda suit. You know, because of the poop problem.” She patted herself down with her big panda paws. “There’s no trapdoor in this thing, and Jim needs to be able to move fast.”
bonus points for using them in order