The Shock of Regaining
creepy little buddy
- his “wild” state
- the friendlier moniker Buttons
- ominous, nameless narrator
- to, in the common parlance, knock it the fuck off
Tune in next time part 660 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The shock of regaining my senses set me shivering, my skin clammy and raw. “Get him a blanket,” said the voice of the creepy little buddy in the ceiling. “But stay alert. We have scant data about how he behaves in his ‘wild’ state, and those slugs are wearing off fast.”
Another random person who had no business being here dressed like a crime-scene technician draped an itchy blanket over my shoulders. Gratitude vied with resentment in my battered pyche. “What is going on here?” I demanded hoarsely.
The tinny voice started never-you-minding at me. What an assclown, I thought, but then Dr Ferguson addressed it via the friendlier moniker Buttons.
“Pipe down, Buttons. Let me handle this.” She had put on a robe. She knelt beside me, where I was still crouching and shivering under the blanket that felt like an old piece of carpet. She laid her hand on my shoulder. “We’re shooting an episode of Slimy Passions, the most popular reality show in Contraria. The whole apartment is rigged with cameras and–”
A deeper voice cut in dramatically, booming, “We don’t just explore the seamy underside of love, we probe where we really don’t belong.”
Dr Ferguson shouted words I didn’t quite understand, but it was clear enough that she was telling the ominous, nameless narrator to, in the common parlance, knock it the fuck off.
bonus points for using them in order