The Plastic Spoon
I’d suggest finding a different doctor
- co-stars a chimp
- a creature of infinite melancholy
- suggested that we wear each other’s shirts
- new moccasins and snow-shoes
Tune in next time part 686 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The plastic spoon wasn’t having much effect on the ice entombing the only fork available to me on this airship. I needed to get back to the petting zoo quickly! So, I pried the whole frost-caked shelf out of the dessert case and dumped the pies onto the counter. The circus people’s eyes lit up when so many pastries landed before them, so I left them the spoon as well.
“Just what the doctor ordered,” I heard one of them say.
I ran out of the bistro, muttering, “I’d suggest finding a different doctor.”
Contrarian airships do not all have petting zoos. That’s a myth perpetuated by a classic TV series that co-stars a chimp astrologer and a creature of infinite melancholy resembling a flightless parrot. They solve mysteries together, visiting a different airship’s petting zoo in each episode.
Of course Fleur’s vessel had everything. Racing back with the chilled fork to help Jim, I took a shortcut across the ice rink. The referee of the in-progress hockey game tried to delay me and suggested that we wear each other’s shirts, a blatant ploy by the sports officials’ union to insinuate itself into military affairs. I laughed and kept moving. Because ice skates are the one sharp object that ever accidentally downed a Contrarian blimp, the hockey players weren’t allowed to wear them. At least they all had new moccasins and snow-shoes.
My shortcut proved to be a miscalculation, though.
bonus points for using them in order