The Person In Front of Me
our love is so intense, it’s insane
- They even had to rewrite the jingle.
- Oddly enough,
- dissolves on the tongue
- couches can be cleaned. Reputations are harder.
Tune in next time part 678 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The person in front of me and the person behind me both let out throaty, sensuous chuckles. In unison, they said, “The intensity of our love is so intense, it’s insanely insane.” I shivered. Then I remembered when I’d seen these sisters last, and I shuddered.
Pulling myself together, I asked, “Does Gordon know you’re here?”
Cleopatra shook her head. “He’s not my problem anymore. Now he’s in cryptocurrency commercials. They wanted to cast a pelican, but Gordon just had that goose x-factor. They even had to rewrite the jingle.”
“What are you doing here?” I could imagine many scenarios where they’d pose a threat to this airship, which was full of my offspring.
“Rescuing you, dipshit,” Esmerelda said. “Or did you want to go where your wife is taking you?”
“Oddly enough, I do not. But I also don’t trust you two.”
Esmerelda wrapped her arms around me, while Cleopatra stroked my cheek. Cleo said, “Where I come from, we have a saying for times like this. Always remember that life begins at 40, psilocybin dissolves on the tongue, and couches can be cleaned. Reputations are harder.”
“This alcove has no couches,” I said.
“There’s one at the petting zoo,” whispered Esmerelda.
bonus points for using them in order