The Officiant Spun On His Heel
drunk before dawn
- a very polite way of putting it
- almost smell the romance
- I’m a college educated person
- likes to ride the bus
Tune in next time part 546 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The officiant spun on his heel, waving for us to follow him. “Let’s get you crazy kids to the chapel and do this thing, because I know you both want to be drunk before dawn.” He laughed like a B-movie mad scientist, then said, “I know that’s a very polite way of putting it, but then I am a man of the cloth.”
The Tessabot nudged me with her elbow. “I bet you can almost smell the romance,” she muttered. But she gave me another nudge to start walking. We trailed behind the self-proclaimed man of the occultist cloth, following a winding path through a forest of fragrant fir trees. I all but forgot my Goldfishing mission, so contented was I to be strolling arm-in-arm with Tessa among these lovely woods. But I had to regain my autonomy.
The so-called priest glanced back and asked, “So, how did you two meet?”
Before the Tessabot could respond with the prepared lie, I made my move. I was quite sure I’d recovered the ability to speak.
“I’m a college educated person,” I said, “who likes to ride the bus.”
My speech center wasn’t yet totally unscrambled. Tessa smiled deviously and said, “Oh, I love how you tell this story! Please, go on darling.”
bonus points for using them in order