The Mimes Began to Circle
cursed at me and called me a child
- “I’ve been having relations with your wife.”
- some perfect mix of ethnicities
- Boom! You’re officially
- an allergic reaction to the bite of a basilisk lizard
Tune in next time part 359 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The mimes began to circle, malice in their dead eyes. John seemed unconcerned.
“Olga’s a mime sympathizer, John,” I said. “She’s going to hand that test tube over to the grease-painted scientist they keep trapped in a glass box, and who knows what he’ll do with it!”
“Dr Marceau escaped years ago,” John said. “I’m surprised you didn’t know.”
I shook my head pityingly. “No mime ever truly escapes the glass box, John. If you care about your sister at all you’ll stop her before she completes her initiation rites. Once she fully joins, she’s theirs for life.”
John cursed at me and called me a childish name that I will not dignify by repeating.
“Oh yeah?” I retorted. “I’ve been having relations with your wife.”
It was often like this between John and me. When things got tense we regressed to juvenile taunts.
“These nephews of mine,” John said, cuddling my four infants, “are some perfect mix of ethnicities that the world has never seen before. I’m going to carry them to safety and let the mimes finish you off.”
Before this week I’d had no children, had never wanted them. And now, in the course of just a few days I was suddenly a father of six and something inside me had shifted. It’s like some animal part of my brain said Boom! You’re officially a protector now! and there was nothing I wouldn’t do to protect my offspring. There was no way I could let a backstabber like John raise my sons.
My lightning reflexes and years of extensive Academy training kicked in, and in less than a minute the tide pool was littered with the bobbing corpses of so many mimes.
I wiped my hands on my soggy morning suit and turned to see John backing away, still clutching my quadruplets. Years ago John had suffered an allergic reaction to the bite of a basilisk lizard, and ever since he’d lived in mortal fear of that particular reptile. And as I mentioned before, I am able to imitate the call of any bird or beast. I took a deep breath and made the ululating cry of the basilisk lizard.
John’s eyes widened in panic.
bonus points for using them in order