The Luchador’s Code!
scratch his sunburned back
- be more like New York
- Especially nightmares
- it’s just rust
- “I don’t enjoy it.”
Tune in next time part 301 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The Luchador’s Code! That changed everything. No wonder I was having such trouble deciphering John’s message. My mind grappled with this new translation. “Wrestling?” I said to buy time. “I don’t enjoy it.”
It’s not that my brain is getting too old, it’s just rusty when it comes to these dusty codes. I hadn’t seen most of them since my Academy days. Still, the information was in there. I’d studied so hard for my cryptography certification that I still had dreams about it. Especially nightmares wherein a naked man repeatedly snuffled my toes and mixed together too many ciphers.
Oh wait. That wasn’t a nightmare, just my current reality.
And then I remembered that John had never been any good at codes, and it struck me that this whole show had just been a stalling tactic. He wasn’t sending me a real message, he was just fucking around.
I adjusted my voice to be more like New York‘s Bronx accent, and I laid into him with a barrage of New York-style insults.
All he did was sit up beside Tessa, laughing, and scratch his sunburned back.
bonus points for using them in reverse order