The Kremlin Cupolas Shone
slapped the monk’s face
- stop shooting, you fools!
- most novices ate it with relish
- work intelligently, rather than spectacularly
- the Kremlin cupolas shone against a pale summer sky
- “Go ahead, kiss her.”
The Kremlin cupolas shone against a pale summer sky, and bells rang out the lunchtime hour. Since its conversion into a monastery, the former fortress boasted far fewer tanks, and marginally better food.
Brother Ivan wished the cooks would strive to work intelligently, rather than spectacularly. Years of eating the ornate fare left him bored by all the gold leaf and sugar sculptures, although most novices ate it with relish.
The walls shook, signaling that some of those novices were skipping lunch to play in a tank, and had found some ammunition. “Stop shooting, you fools!” screamed the abbot as he charged outside.
After the meal, Ivan strolled in Red Square with Brother Boris. They came upon a pretty young lady with a sign reading, “Smoochies, $1.”
“Go ahead, kiss her,” Ivan suggested. The woman slapped the monk’s face. “Pay first,” she insisted.
The queen of ambiguity wants to know if the relish is literal or figurative. Here’s hoping it’s figurative, because sugar sculptures with relish? Blergh!
Well, your majesty, you’ve caught on to my game. One of my very favorite things to do with these prompts is put a little topspin on a phrase. I try to guess what it meant in its original context and then look for a way to subvert it. I can’t always leave it so ambiguous, but this one turned out very nicely.
(mwah ha ha ha!)
Kent, Evil Overlord of Ambiguity…
So that’s a no on the sugar sculptures with relish, but what about sugar sculptures with mango chutney?
I think the sugar sculptures would dissolve in the presence of any type of moist condiment. Maybe you could have the chutney with the gold leaf. The color combination would be lovely.
You’re overthinking it.
Which one of us is in charge of meal planning?
You are, my queen. I eat your victuals with relish.
Are they the chief of your diet?
Yet I can never keep quiet.