The Iron Clown’s Laughter
my teeth start tingling
- Whenever I eat grapes near her
- skyrocketing banana demand
- Blink once if
- wrote “I love you” in his own blood
Tune in next time part 859 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The Iron Clown’s laughter reverberated through me and made my teeth start tingling. I clamped my jaw tightly shut to make it stop, but it did little good. The tingle intensified. (Whenever I eat grapes near her, my wife gets incredibly horny, something she also describes as an intensifying tingle. I can only assume the two sensations are not actually very similar.)
Titania said, “Once we empty this airship’s larders, our faction’s skyrocketing banana demands will be met at last. Blink once if you’re as excited as I am.”
Whether BimBam blinked or wrote “I love you” in his own blood, I could not tell because my head was still swaddled in the horse costume, but Titania seemed pleased.
“Without their favorite yellow snack, all the children aboard will be quite upset,” BimBam said with smug glee.
“All of them but mine,” Titania agreed. “I’ll bring mine along to our banana-filled paradise, their father as well.” I felt her pat Big Dennis’s butt. “I have further plans for him.”
bonus points for using them in order