The Growl Came From a Human Throat
Anais Nin isn’t enough of a clue
- as men do who are stalking man
- “One cannot always be love-making.”
- is engaged to be married
- I don’t like to be alone
Tune in next time part 78 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The growl came from a human throat, which made it much more intimidating. Animals can be reasoned with.
Suddenly hands clapped over my eyes and my feral companion said, “Guess who!” in a familiar, smoky female voice. “I’ll give one hint,” she purred with a German accent. “I am not Anais Nin.”
I had her identity narrowed down to two. Depending on which of the German sisters she was, my night was about to get very lucky or very unlucky. “Merely eliminating Anais Nin isn’t enough of a clue,” I said. “You have to give me more to go on.”
Her icy fingertips massaged my eyeballs through the lids. “I can tell you apart from Jason in the same way as men do who are stalking man — through your scent and through the shape of your corneas.”
“Ulrike,” I breathed.
“Of course it is me!” She released her grip on my face and bounded over the back of the bench to sit beside me. “I have missed you darling,” she said.
“I thought you were keeping yourself busy with John,” I said.
“One cannot always be love-making.” She eyed my crotch and I felt that familiar mix of fear and desire that I always felt around Ulrike. “And anyway, John is engaged to be married to Tessa now, and I don’t like to be alone.”
She took me by the hand and led me toward my doom.
bonus points for using them in order