The Front Door Was Opened To Us
the Baron rumbled
- What do I win?
- the bedspread and the baby quilt
- like a prisoner with a ball and chain
- I’m lucky to have met you
Tune in next time part 574 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The front door was opened to us, and we were shown into a cramped study overfilled with bulky furniture. All the pieces were made out of treasure chests, sailcloth, and cannons. A tall man with long, glossy black hair in curls beckoned us to be seated.
Brandita had asked to do the talking, but it didn’t seem like she had anything to say. After an uncomfortable silence she finally said, “You were right, Baron von Dimpleheimer.”
“Right about what?” the Baron rumbled.
“Svenborgia’s alliances,” Brandita said.
The Baron stroked his drooping mustache. “Oh goody. What do I win?”
“Well, I’ve brought these new recruits.”
“Whoa,” I interjected. “I’m already a Contrarian general, so I hardly think I have time for whatever this is.”
More mustache fondling, while the Baron’s icy blue eyes glinted at me. “Brandita, you simply have no knack for finding presents. Last year it was just dumb luck that the bedspread and the baby quilt coordinated perfectly with those new ruffles I had already found. I’m telling you, anyone with a gift from you is like a prisoner with a ball and chain. Now you’ve dragged these random strangers into things, one of them a military official at that. How am I meant to feel about this?”
The Tessabot harumphed. “It’s not like I feel I’m lucky to have met you,” she said just loudly enough to be heard.
“No, I don’t suppose you would,” the Baron said with a chortle. “But perhaps I can change your mind. How would you like to get off this island?”
bonus points for using them in order