The Following Hours Were a Blur
the way you remember a bird pooping into your open mouth
- ended in the anticlimactic dishonor of
- not as if she were working at Olive Garden
- normally wash your shoes
- I’m your dentist
Tune in next time part 447 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The following hours were a blur. I remember William saying, “I’m your dentist. Now open up.” And later YoYo said “You’d normally wash your shoes after something like that, but you’re not wearing any.” I contemplated tipping YoYo, but decided not to since it was not as if she were working at Olive Garden as a waitress.
The whole thing ended in the anticlimactic dishonor of being walked in on by Yesterday shortly after the mushrooms wore off and the three of us collapsed exhausted. I will remember that tryst the way you remember a bird pooping into your open mouth: a messy, slightly berry-flavored surprise.
bonus points for using them in reverse order