The Exterior Staircase of the Prison
thrusting his feet out toward the edges
- He urinated forever
- the color of ocean spray
- punched the yellow button
- to have the knowledge but not the tools
Tune in next time part 396 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The exterior staircase of the prison was one of the most terrifying descents I’d ever made. The steps were steep and slippery, as well as flimsy. About every fifth or sixth tread was missing. But I had to move fast so I wouldn’t miss my chance to catch a ride.
A flotilla of megaswans was just coming abreast of the islet as I reached the bottom of those steps. They were as unsubtle as promised, as big and gaudy as parade floats but far more seaworthy. Spotting the first fishing boat in the megaswans’ wake, I jumped and waved my arms to get the operator’s attention.
The fisherman veered toward my position, steering by thrusting his feet out toward the edges of the catamaran’s structure. I was relieved that it had been so easy to obtain transportation, but immediately had to doubt my good luck as the fisherman opened his trousers and began relieving himself. He urinated forever, a prodigious stream the color of ocean spray. He was so intent on this activity that I wondered whether he’d even noticed me at all.
“I need a ride,” I called out. The man finally closed up his pants and looked in my direction.
He punched the yellow button attached to the mast, which caused a gangway to unfold across the rocks of the tidal zone he’d just finished contaminating. “Come on aboard, then,” he said.
Hurrying before he changed his mind, I said, “Thanks. I’m surprised you’re willing to pick up hitchhikers from the prison.”
“Normally I would not be.” He gave me a squinty look. “Where to, General?”
“Follow that zeppelin!” I pointed into the sky, but Jim’s stolen airship of course was nowhere in sight. The fisherman cast off anyway, and I wished I knew if we were heading the right way. So often I’m doomed to have the knowledge but not the tools to act on it, but here I was with the opposite problem. I had a speedy boat, but no idea where it should take me.
bonus points for using them in order