The Airship was Traveling at a Furious Rate
please tell me why and how I’m wrong
- tried to explain lizards
- “Be cool my babies.”
- using a demented baby voice
- traveling at a furious rate
Tune in next time part 675 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The airship was traveling at a furious rate — furious for an airship anyway — taking me to the one place I most did not want to go. The children sensed my fear and all began to fuss. Acting quickly, before I was drowned out by a wave of caterwauling infants, I spoke loudly. Using a demented baby voice that never fails to get attention I said, “Be cool my babies.” And in the ensuing pause I tried to explain lizards to them. I don’t know why. It was just the first thing that popped into my head. When using the demented baby voice, tone matters much more than content. It might not be the best parenting technique in the world, and if you disagree with my methods please tell me why and how I’m wrong. But only if you have experience keeping a zeppelin full of infants happy and quiet.
bonus points for using them in reverse order