“Thanks For Helping Me Out Of That Hole”
sheer skill is what’s needed
- leaped nimbly away toward the females
- can completely ruin your day
- I wanted to kiss her and feel her breasts
- carried it with me for a really long time
Tune in next time part 204 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Thanks for helping me out of that hole,” I said. “If you just direct me toward the surface, I’ll get out of your hair.” When pretending not to stare at your twin brother, sheer skill is what’s needed to avoid detection while you are, in fact, staring, trying to suss out his game.
“Simmer down there, Charlie,” Jason said. “First you have to explain yourself. What were you doing down there?”
I shrugged, to buy time to decide what I should tell them. But then I just enlarged the shrug, because it was the most honest response I could offer anyway. The men glanced at each other suspiciously. A quirked eyebrow, a small nod: they reached a decision about me without saying a word. Jason’s charade of not knowing me was disconcerting in its verisimilitude.
A door opened at the opposite end of their cavernous lair, admitting four women. It distracted the duo for just a second, but a second was more than I needed. I leaped nimbly away toward the females and the still-open doorway. Then I realized who they were.
Tallulah, Taylor, Tara, and Tanya.
A single moment of belated recognition can completely ruin your day. I really wished Tessa were there, too. I wanted to kiss her and feel her breasts on my chest. Not that we’d trade breasts, just that hers would be smushed up against mine.
Fortunately, I moved fast enough and the room was dim enough that the deadly quartet failed to spot me in time and I slipped through the door. I ran up and up the stairway I found on the other side, pausing only to remove Absinthia’s bulky underwear. I carried the pair of lacy shorts with me on my upward trek, carried it with me for a really long time.
bonus points for using them in order