Tessa Knew How to Operate a Motorcycle
— mind the lobsters —
- socks that my dad fixed
- look into your eyes again
- evidence-schmevidence
- psychedelic detective story
Tune in next time part 581 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Tessa knew how to operate a motorcycle. It was everything else about driving that she seemed ignorant of. I found myself shouting directions from the sidecar like some kind of terrible backseat driver. “Yield to pedestrians — stay in your lane — mind the lobsters — use your turn signal!”
Suddenly the Viscount shimmered into view in the deep end of the tub. “Ah, good, you’re back,” he said. He raised his feet and held them in front of my face. “Do you like these socks that my dad fixed to the end of my pant legs? It’s to stop me from losing them. I’m afraid they might look silly. What do you think? Tell me the truth. I’ll know if you’re lying when I look into your eyes again and see the evidence.”
“Evidence-schmevidence,” I said. “This isn’t some kind of psychedelic detective story.”
Tessa looked at me quizzically.
“Eyes on the road!” I yelled.