“Tell Me What You Know About Jupiter and Jove.”
so it tastes like sugar
- “Hiiiiiiii,” she simpered
- between the hurrying feet
- among the sartorially dyslexic
- good-natured patience and gentle eye-rolling
Tune in next time part 269 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Tell me what you know about Jupiter and Jove,” I whispered urgently. As far as I knew, my brothers had never made it off the island.
Tesla kissed me, then said, “Think about lollipops and cotton candy then ask again, so it tastes like sugar.” Meanwhile she squirmed her way down into the sea of balloon animals, pressing herself against me.
Above us a series of sharp bangs signaled the popping of the floating rubber penguins. The shriveled remains fluttered down around us. Tesla ignored them and continued her gyrations.
“Tesla!” a voice from the hatch barked. It was Captain Jorgensen.
Tesla smiled at me and looked upwards. “Hiiiiiiii,” she simpered.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he demanded.
“I’m interrogating the prisoner.” She giggled and slithered down until her head was hidden under the inflatable menagerie.
I have been subjected to many forms of interrogation, and this was by far my favorite. But between the hurrying feet and the muffled shouting going on over our heads, I gathered that Jorgensen did not approve. The open hatchway filled with the white faces of many mimes, each with a blowgun. They rained darts down upon us, popping all of the balloon animals. Luckily for us their aim was poor and we had plenty of time to finish our interrogation session before we were fully exposed. Tesla’s painted-on clothing had smeared all over my body, leaving us looking like royalty among the sartorially dyslexic.
A rope ladder unfurled down into the chamber where we stood. While we waited for Jorgensen to descend, Tesla displayed much good-natured patience and gentle eye-rolling.
Soon enough the pirate captain stood before us, a balloon parrot on his shoulder.
bonus points for using them in order