Tagged: weather

Jim Gave Denny a Nudge

  • by jenShould I begin a shaft?
  • became the color of llama milk
  • Melodrama! Lout!
  • jerry-rigged conveniences
  • Jim gave Denny a nudge
  • he emptied the garbage at night
  • he shook it twice

Jim gave Denny a nudge and pointed to the horizon.

Denny’s face became the color of llama milk when he saw the storm clouds gathering above the mountains.

Usually he emptied the garbage at night, but tonight it would be too dangerous.

Should I begin a shaft?” Jim ribbed. “You could bury the garbage…”

Melodrama! Lout!” yelled Denny. “This is nothing to joke about! How would we get by without jerry-rigged conveniences such as the garbage can?”

Jim put his head in his hands and he shook it twice. Denny couldn’t tell if Jim was truly sorry or just laughing.

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Were He a Commoner

  • k-avatara bonny lord and a merry one
  • under the eyes
  • grinned involuntarily with appreciation
  • blue-gray eyes suddenly keen
  • would have been described as stocky

Were he a commoner, Smedley would have been described as stocky. But he was a bonny lord and a merry one, often at the same time, and so he was accounted robust of stature.

Smedley’s position at court afforded many luxuries. His special favorite was dancers, one in particular with many jingling bells and cymbals and tattoos under the eyes. When she swayed and twirled before him, Smedley grinned involuntarily with appreciation for her grace and flexibility, which a, shall we say, stocky personage might view in more frankly vulgar terms.

One gusty winter night a new dancer appeared before Smedley. He sat forward in his chair, blue-gray eyes suddenly keen. The newcomer’s feet were just as nimble, howsoever they might be clad in perplexing low boots that set up a clattering like hailstones with her every step. The cane and the straw hat confused Smedley most of all.

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Enrique Stared at the Small Blue Puddle

  1. by jenCharacter – bounty hunter
  2. Setting – billabong
  3. Object – sno-cone, funnel cake, candy apple, hot sausage sandwich
  4. Situation – lost

Enrique stared at the small blue puddle as it slowly seeped into the marshy ground. The crumpled paper cone joined the sticky remains of the candy apple in his rucksack and he took a moment to survey his surroundings.

The billabong was a festering miasma of life that stretched for another 20 feet before the river dried up again. Enrique swatted a mosquito on his calf and wished he hadn’t eaten his hot sausage sandwich so long ago. Bugs in general avoided him as he sweated out the sausage stink.

He hoped he would find his quarry soon, and preferably not in the jaws of a crocodile.

Enrique stepped out of the shade as a sudden downpour commenced. It did nothing to abate the sweltering heat and it ruined his innate sense of direction.

Damn. He’d never find his way back to the ranger station now. He was lost, at least until the rain stopped.

A paper plate with the sodden remains of a funnel cake floated toward him on the newly reconstituted river. Enrique froze. He might be able to snare his prey and collect his bounty after all. The funnel cake was still warm.

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Flew Back To Colorado Springs

During October we will be sharing passages that we’ve written independently from the same prompt.

  • flew back to Colorado Springs
  • teaches him all a beggar’s tricks
  • redwood does not decay
  • supposed to be in stock in San Jose
  • date with a mulatto gal

Kent’s Take

Rick flew back to Colorado Springs for a date with a mulatto gal who teaches him all a beggar’s tricks. And he took my sandals, because redwood does not decay when exposed to even his vitriolic foot sweat. I still don’t have replacement sandals, because I’m a triple-E. But my size is supposed to be in stock in San Jose.


Jen’s Take

by jenRedwood does not decay. That’s the whole point. That’s what makes it so perfect for constructing lawn furniture. But of course, the set I wanted was out of stock at my local Ikea. It was supposed to be in stock in San Jose, though, so I flew out there to get it. Because redwood does not decay.

So, of course, they don’t have it in San Jose either. Someone bought the last one right before I got there. They gave me a free bag of Swedish meatballs for my trouble. I wish I was one of those guys whose dad teaches him all a beggar’s tricks so that I could have gotten more than the meatballs and a date with a mulatto gal out of the trip. But I’m not. My dad only taught me about fishing.

Anyway, after that I flew back to Colorado Springs and my plane was late due to fog at O’Hare. And that’s why I missed work yesterday. Honest.

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What do you think? Who handled this prompt better?

Two Strips of Dried Meat

  • strips of dried meat
  • hissed over her bones
  • with a delicate flush of exertion
  • very well. We’ll take the sled
  • a clump of creeping lichen
  • “Fuck you, Judy!”

Two strips of dried meat and a clump of creeping lichen hung from the brim of Judy’s hat. When she beheld the vast bleak landscape in every direction, fear hissed over her bones like wind-driven sleet. She had entrusted not only her own life but her family’s also to a lunatic hermit.

Summer had only recently abandoned these wastes, and already the threat of snow growled on the wind. Judy, with a delicate flush of exertion, had just persuaded her toothless guide that they should drag their supplies on a sled, to be prepared for the arrival of the drifts.

Very well. We’ll take the sled,” the old man conceded haughtily.

“I should think you would agree with me,” Judy said. “Aren’t you an expert on winter travel?”

“Fuck you, Judy!” he proclaimed. “Next you’ll ask me what the flippers are for!”

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