“We Head Back To The Pier”
most likely had a perfect tan
- Lazy Canadians
- try another flavor
- “You’re worth it.”
- with segmented metal fins
Tune In Next Time Part 11 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“We head back to the pier,” I said, my mind suddenly connecting the dots. Tessa scowled at me, nodding bitterly.
“Okay, mister smarty-pants, what’s the next step in my plan?” She still had her arms crossed, carrying her plentiful bosom like a coed’s textbooks. Even in this awful light, even just minutes after being drugged into unconsciousness, she was radiant, most likely had a perfect tan, probably sans tan lines. My train of thought toppled comically off its tracks.
She laughed at me, but the ice in her gaze was melting. “This is just like that song by Lazy Canadians.”
“You mean ‘Try Another Flavor’?” I asked. It was about boobs.
“No, silly! I mean ‘Pirate Booty,’ the one about treasure buried in the sand.”
My mental derailment reversed itself. That was it! Everything started with the map, and with whatever lay buried amid that dead forest of pilings. But we couldn’t forget that John had the briefcase, and that he’d get it open eventually. Tessa’s smile grew warmer yet, reminding me of when things were better.
“Sorry for all the kerfuffle,” I muttered, not sure I wanted her to hear it.
“You’re worth it.” She put a hand on my shoulder. “Before we go running off to the pier, we have to think about what we’ll need when we get there. Some way of excavating the sand, underwater, without being seen. I don’t even know what that would look like.”
I did. It was my own invention, a submersible digging machine with segmented metal fins. John didn’t know about it, no one did. Was I ready to show it to Tessa? It seemed I would have no choice.
bonus points for using them in order