We Were Intercepted At the End of the Gangplank
- thankfully I never had to see Santa again
- traveling with your lobster
- your thick head of hair and your killer gams
- Flip out about this, won’t you?
Tune in next time part 458 Click Here for Earlier Installments
We were intercepted at the end of the gangplank by YoYo. “Yes,” I said, knowing she was going to make an insubordinate inquiry as to my involvement in Isolde’s gravid condition. “And it’s twins.”
To this, YoYo only said, “Hwaaaaaah.” It seemed she remembered that she was in the presence of royalty on the verge of saying something disrespectful. She stepped out of the path of the new arrivals, and their retinue with me in their lead. We proceeded to the throne room where the weary travelers could recline until their chambers were prepared.
But not Jim. I cornered him before he could stretch out on a chaise. “What the hell are you doing here?” I demanded.
“I bear a message from our sister,” he replied in his eternally smirking drawl.
“Can you be more specific?”
“Freya wants to see you,” Jim said.
My last sight of Freya, she had been in the company of an unclean Santa, allegedly an operative. I looked forward to being reunited with my sister, but thankfully I never had to see Santa again.
Naturally, I couldn’t trust anything Jim told me. He had to be tested. I jerked my head toward Isolde in her impractical red dress. “I see you’re traveling with your lobster. Is that wise, when she’s so far along?” Suddenly I foresaw the babies being born here, at Enigma Fortress, an image so upsetting that I forgot I was building up to an implanted trigger phrase that would have temporarily suppressed Jim’s ability to lie. It made me furious. “I can’t believe you think you can float in here, with your thick head of hair and your killer gams, and there will never be any reckoning!”
Jim’s smirk quirked to the right, which I’d never seen it do before. I knew how to read all his subconscious facial tics, and this one wasn’t on my list. He said, “Flip out about this, won’t you? It’s what we’ve come all this way to witness.”
“Well, it’s madness!” I exclaimed. I whirled to Isolde. “What about you? What do you have to say for yourself?”
bonus points for using them in order