Francine’s Toes Hurt
Character – South American cannibal
- Setting – submarine
- Object – lucky rabbit’s foot
- Situation – new shoes today
Francine’s toes hurt. The new “sensible” shoes were worse than her old heels.
Stopping her pacing, Francine leaned against the wall of the submarine passageway and felt the faint vibration. They would be in Caracas soon.
Francine rubbed her lucky rabbit’s foot and thought about what it would be like to be reunited with Stanley after all this time.
The mix-up, last time, had been unbelievable but understandable. Stanley and Ngegue looked exactly the same. Still it was embarrassing to explain to both the Bridge Club and Stanley’s mother that she had mistaken a South American cannibal for her own husband.
No matter. Everything was about to be put right. Ngegue would go back to his tribe, Stanley and Francine would return to the State Department.
Francine wondered, though, whether Stanley would ever live up to Ngegue’s performance in the sack.