Being Cooped Up In Such A Confined Space
with a purposeful grimace
- cool it on the hedgehog kissing
- “It’s stuck on something.”
- trimmed with black and red
- tastes like mayonnaise
Tune in next time part 414 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Being cooped up in such a confined space with the Donuts made me nervous, but I wanted to conserve the rest of my knockout gas so there was nothing to be done about it except stare at them with a purposeful grimace to keep them from getting any ideas. The last solid information I had about them was really just a rumor. They allegedly wrote the same cryptic message in everyone’s yearbook upon graduating from the Academy: cool it on the hedgehog kissing. What that code might mean, I couldn’t guess.
Paternosters don’t move very fast, so the journey to the top of the mountain was taking a very long time. Suddenly there was a jolt and a loud squeal, and the machine stopped. There were no controls, no phone, no hatchway. None of the plot contrivances afforded by a conventional elevator.
Violet — or maybe Harriet, I still didn’t know which one was the mime — peered along the edge of the opening in our box. She squinted, and then her mouth moved. Slightly out of sync came her sister’s voice saying, “It’s stuck on something.”
I rolled my eyes. “Stuck on what?” I asked. The sister in the fancy bustier trimmed in black and red satin rolled her eyes right back at me and shrugged. I went over to the edge. “Let me take a look.”
While I squinted through the gap between our box and the rock shaft it traveled in, the mime Donut wriggled against my side. I tried to pretend I didn’t notice. The last thing I needed on a day like this was another seduction. Too late I learned what she was really reaching for, when the squirrel on my right epaulet hissed in my face. And I also learned that the knockout gas Aloysius gave me tastes like mayonnaise.
bonus points for using them in order