“Enough!” Thor Screeched
I draw the line at this.
- past a dingy laundromat
- equipment bigger and grander
- withstood the ravages of time in the humid atmosphere
- “Snakes! Snakes! Look at the snakes!”
Tune in next time part 112 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Enough!” Thor screeched. “Your silly games have kept me quite amused, but I draw the line at this. You will not –”
Whatever they would not remained unstated, as Thor toppled with a blowdart in his neck.
“Get rid of him,” said the broccoli-faced woman. I braced for a barrage of poisoned needles, but instead the two largest vegerebels took hold of me by the elbows and dragged me toward an open hatch in the floor. The one with the kale mask shoved a backpack at me. I put it on quickly, hoping it was a parachute. They tossed me through the hole in the floor before I was done adjusting the straps.
The spire where the zeppelin was moored wasn’t terribly high, so I pulled the rip cord immediately. My landing was quite rough. My chute caught a strong breeze and dragged me down the street past a dingy laundromat and a candle factory before I figured out how to slip out of it.
The wind had carried me farther than I realized, into the university quarter of Pittsburghistan. Across the street from the candle factory was the opera house, which doubled as a research facility. What they researched, I wasn’t sure. The sign didn’t explain beyond proclaiming they now had equipment bigger and grander than before. I entered the empty, echoing lobby, and knew by the acrid smell that their big, grand equipment hadn’t withstood the ravages of time in the humid atmosphere of the region.
“Up here!” called a cheerful male voice. I found stairs at the end of the lobby that led up to where the small man was standing. He beckoned me over to the railing and pointed down to where I had just been. He hopped up and down as he shouted, “Snakes! Snakes! Look at the snakes!”
bonus points for using them in order