The Elevator Opened Into Another Kitchen
repeat episode of the game show Wheel of Fortune
- “So, I made this decision…”
- “Ciao… Adieu… Auf Wiedersehen… Via con Dios… GO AWAY!”
- but the same can not be said of murderers
- women taking up their rifles
Tune in next time part 211 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The elevator opened into another kitchen, this one dusty from disuse. With her finger to her lips, the bartender signaled that I should keep quiet. She led me out through the swinging doors into a dining room lit only by dozens of televisions, all playing a repeat episode of the game show Wheel of Fortune, the Contrarian edition. It was time for the bonus round, and the contestant said, “So, I made this decision…” but he didn’t look very decisive. “Pat,” he went on, “I’m going to go with X, Z, Q, and Å.” Pat gave him a pitying look that I remembered well from the first time this episode aired and I watched it with Fleur back in Contraria. Of course none of those letters appeared in the puzzle, and the guy had very little to go on. He started spewing random phrases, hoping to hit upon the right answer. “Ciao… Adieu… Auf Wiedersehen… Via con Dios… GO AWAY!” But of course none of those were right. Time ran out and the poor contestant fell to his knees, bawling. Pat put on his judicial wig and robe and smiled into the camera. He said, “Many thieves and adulterers can be rehabilitated, but the same can not be said of murderers. Silvio, I’m afraid to say you’ve lost your chance at parole.” Uniformed guards marched in from both sides and hauled Silvio to his feet. They tied a blindfold around his head. The last thing I saw before the bartender pulled me through another door was Vanna and the other women taking up their rifles.
bonus points for using them in order