The Large, Leather-Bound Collection
Poe was teetering
- old man made an alarming sound
- sought after by alchemists
- the thief who stole your necklace!
- the snowbound ruins
- frivolity of the poets
The large, leather-bound collection of works by Poe was teetering atop the tall stack of books. The old man made an alarming sound as he lunged to catch it, but the tome was too quick and instead the old man’s hands caught a grimoire sought after by alchemists the world over.
His granddaughter picked Poe up from the ground and straightened the remaining books while the old man looked through the window at the frivolity of the poets and gypsies making merry in the snowbound ruins below his tower.
“Miranda!” he cried, “I spy the thief who stole your necklace!”