I Explained My Proposition Bluntly
So a Spanish lady one time
- only a hunter of the eider duck
- plenty of myopic, gung-ho investors
- out with friends
- was a very funny man
Tune in next time part 93 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I explained my proposition bluntly, knowing Fleur didn’t have any reason to mind what I got up to with her sister. Isolde fluttered her eyelashes with a playful smile.
Fleur also smiled, but it was chilly. “So a Spanish lady one time found that her nephew was also her son’s half-brother. Shortly after that the boy was an orphan, so she adopted him. I always admired how that Spanish lady behaved.”
My doily settled onto my lap.
Isolde laughed and left the tent.
Fleur laughed as well. “You are only a hunter of the eider duck, so leave the swans alone.”
It was an old Contrarian expression, usually applied in financial contexts but apropos here as well. In the 1970s, plenty of myopic, gung-ho investors lost their fortunes on Contrarian pillow futures.
“Father’s waiting,” Fleur prompted. “He grows impatient to be out with friends, in with enemies.” Another old saying from her homeland. “I can’t wait to show you Grandfather’s mausoleum. He was a very funny man.”
She stared me down, waiting for me to realize she meant to pack me off to Contraria with her.
bonus points for using them in order