The Only Clothes I Had Available
we are famous for our punctuality
- shoulder-length hair and softer features
- “I can’t believe people actually buy this.”
- a lot of celebrities
- create a new surname entirely
Tune in next time part 645 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The only clothes I had available were the ridiculous tinseled ankle cuffs I’d worn to the wedding, and without a fan to lift the streamers they were not only useless but a tripping hazard. While Dr Ferguson watched with keen interest, I wrapped the relatively pudding-free duvet around myself like a big puffy toga and secured it with a tinsel belt.
“Surprisingly stylish,” Dr Ferguson admitted.
“In my family we are famous for our punctuality and our fashion sense,” I said.
“You look so much like your brother,” she sighed, “Only with shoulder-length hair and softer features.”
Which of my brothers did she mean?
From his seat on the ottoman, Spex held up an empty butterscotch pudding tin. “I can’t believe people actually buy this.” He wrinkled his nose. “Homemade is so much better.”
I tried to tune out his snotty comments and figure out why Dr Ferguson was so familiar. I frequent all the cool websites, so of course I know about a lot of celebrities in the ophthalmological world. She was not one of them.
Hildegard’s father stumbled over, drunk on peanut butter. “What a mouthful it will be to hyphenate Pamplemousse, van der Zhößængrüüpåbergschløssenfußmeister, and your last name. You ought to create a new surname entirely!”
Oh shit. How had I not known that Hildegard was a van der Zhößængrüüpårbergschløssenfußmeister? Had I known from the start she was a van der Zhößængrüüpåbergschløssenfußmeister things would have gone entirely differently.
bonus points for using them in order