Svetlana Laughed Heartily
brave enough to try something this strange and enchanting
- the eyeliner, the desperation
- strange, but harmless enough
- stayed up all night to drunkenly hook up
- expensive adulterous affairs
Tune in next time part 520 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Svetlana laughed heartily. “I never would have guessed you were brave enough to try something this strange and enchanting!”
Marnie gave a bashful half-curtsey, playing the vamp. But from my place of concealment in the hedges I saw it all: the feigned confidence, the eyeliner, the desperation. She knew she was falling in with a rough crowd. She sighed. “Enchanting? I wouldn’t say so. I guess it is strange, but harmless enough, to want to trap a man. It’s how we met, even. I stayed up all night to drunkenly hook up with him. He thought he’d seduced me, and I played upon his sense of chivalry to make him propose. Then as soon as we were married he commenced a series of expensive adulterous affairs.”
Svetlana turned somber. “And you want him back, why exactly?”
bonus points for using them in order