Stepping Off the Bus
made entirely of tin
- I need a minute to digest
- with rubber bands around the ends
- writing down things that I don’t understand
- the goddamn Rainbow Connection.
Tune in next time part 146 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Stepping off the bus in Harmonia’s capital city, Fore-Apart, I glanced around nervously to see if I had been recognized. Everyone around me wore a contented smile, and all who looked my way waved a happy greeting. It was seeming that I wouldn’t need to worry about the enmity I’d heard so much about. In fact, I wondered if the whole thing was mere Contrarian propaganda.
The wall of the bus station held a map of Harmonia, which I studied intently. I didn’t see TinselTown on it at all, though. As I muttered curses under my breath, a woman walked by wearing a long red coat and a boa made entirely of tinsel.
“Wait,” I said to her, and she sidestepped to keep moving. “I mean, hello. I’m sorry, but where did you get that?”
“That’s not the sort of thing one reveals to disagreeable palace flunkies,” she said in a cheerful voice.
“I need a minute to digest what I just heard,” I said, stalling for time. “You know who I am?” She nodded, but by then she had outmaneuvered me and was halfway up the block.
Her glittery garment made her easy to spot, though. I let her get a little farther ahead before I started following. I ducked into a shop to get some supplies, such as pencils with rubber bands around the ends and a small notepad for writing down things that I don’t understand. I made my notes as I tailed the woman all the way across town to the train station.
Of course. I should have anticipated what she was headed for: the goddamn Rainbow Connection. I wrote it down, because I still didn’t understand how it fit in with my tattoo’s message.
bonus points for using them in order