Standing on the Very Edge of the Rooftop
what horror can compare
- one-man crime wave
- a crime of this nature
- vixenish, ill-tempered
- missing only one thing: a unicorn
Tune in next time part 175 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Standing on the very edge of the rooftop was Jenkins, dangling Tessa by the wrist over the crowded sidewalk three stories below. Before I could even react, she let go and Tessa plummeted. I don’t know what horror can compare to watching the love of one’s life rocket toward the cement like that. Not even John, that one-man crime wave, had ever committed a crime of this nature. I was aghast. The crowd screamed and panicked.
Tessa splatted on the sidewalk, spewing sparks and tiny diodes, and only then did I realize that this was actually her robot double. I breathed a sigh of relief, but Jenkins did not. Jenkins has always been vixenish, ill-tempered, and impulsive. Right now it was the ill-tempered part of her personality that shone through. I could hear her swearing as she thundered down the fire escape on the back of the building. She’d be here any minute.
I hurried to examine the Tessa-bot for clues to its origin, and was impressed with its accuracy. It was a stunning replica of the woman herself, missing only one thing: a unicorn tattoo. The unicorn tramp stamp spewing rainbows across her ass was there, but the one on the front, grazing on her pubic hair, was not. That meant the robot was made before Tessa lost her bet to me, the bet that broke us up.
Jenkins rounded the corner, fire in her eyes, still swearing.
I tried to blend into the crowd, but there was no crowd any longer. I gulped.
bonus points for using them in order