“Speaking of Prince Edward”
I lost a lot of sleep
- didn’t tell him to fire his pulse-gun
- the young lady’s whereabouts
- The result is awesomeness.
- Speaking of Prince Edward
Tune in next time part 94 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Speaking of Prince Edward,” I said, in reference to Fleur’s grandfather, and trying to hide my dismay at the thought of a transoceanic voyage at this particular moment, “wouldn’t he want you to stay out of Contraria? I believe it was he who said, ‘When a Contrarian lass weds a contrarian lad and they mingle their stock, they should do so on neutral ground. The result is awesomeness.‘”
Fleur quirked her eyebrow. “You certainly have been studying, I’ll give you that. But I know you aren’t really concerned about the customs of my tribe.” She smiled coldly. “You are concerned only for Tessa. And even now, here in our marriage tent, naked with me, you are wondering about the young lady’s whereabouts. You and I may not care for each other over much, but we are married and it is imperative that I get knocked up this year. You’re coming to Contraria with me.”
She snapped her slender fingers and a hulking brute stepped into the tent with us.
“This is Viktor,” Fleur said. “I didn’t tell him to fire his pulse-gun if you try to escape, but I didn’t tell him not to either.”
I lost a lot of sleep over that comment, or I would have if Fleur and her relations ever gave me a moment’s peace. In between rounds of copulation and Contrarian Q&A, Fleur and I and all of our belongings were packed onto her father’s waiting zeppelin and we began the long flight to Contraria, a region I had never visited.
bonus points for using them in reverse order