“So, Kelly,” I Sneered
How’s my precious little brother?
- and the wild fishermen
- People hate it.
- we owe it to you to pepper your puppy
- gazing with idle lust
Tune in next time part 162 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“So, Kelly,” I sneered, “How’s my precious little brother?” Let her figure out which one I meant.
I didn’t wait for her answer anyway, because conversing with these people wasn’t a step in the plan. I shoved the bookcase aside to reveal a hidden passageway, its walls diagonally striped red and white like peppermint. When everything else was done over in pink and lavender, this tunnel retained its original color scheme.
“Don’t go in there,” Jason said. “You’ll get lost, and the wild fishermen will devour you!”
I shook my head. “You shouldn’t lie so poorly. People hate it.” The wild fishermen had been driven out of these tunnels even before Uncle Jinx started building TinselTown. None had been seen this far north in years.
“Still,” Jason insisted, “we owe it to you to pepper your puppy with protective magic. Don’t say we didn’t try.”
I had already taken a step into the candy-striped passage, but I looked back. Kelly was gazing with idle lust at my inadequately covered derriere, so evidently she hadn’t recognized the puppy-peppering code phrase. But how did Jason know about it?
bonus points for using them in order