“So,” I Asked Casually
present your cocoon
- the syllable is the paragraph of the word
- would have been described as stocky
- and BOOM! You got yourself a fire.
- chewed my lips nervously
Tune in next time part 512 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“So,” I asked casually, “what’s in all this for me?” I meant besides not being eaten by a grizzly bear, and I assumed Brady understood that. The nurse was done with my complicated vest and had started unbuttoning the shirt underneath.
“You owe me,” Brady growled. “After how rude you were two years, ten months, and fifteen days ago. You completely blew me off. You didn’t even bother to present your cocoon.”
I waited, but he didn’t finish the code phrase. I tried the countersign anyway. “You forget that the syllable is the paragraph of the word.” Brady looked confused, but also still smug. It renewed my desire to be away from here.
My chance to skedaddle before the meeting evaporated, as Kabbadan Scrim marched out into the courtyard. Like Brady — and soon myself if the pretty nurse had anything to say about it — he was shirtless. But unlike Brady, Scrim was hairy and uninked, and would have been described as stocky by someone who was trying not to offend him. Another nurse had escorted him this far, and was clearly glad to be done with such duty, but Scrim wasn’t done talking. “So you aim a lightning bolt at the hospital and BOOM! You got yourself a fire.”
As Brady welcomed his unpleasant visitor, the nurse undoing my buttons leaned close and whispered in my ear. “Play along.” And then she kissed me full on the mouth. She obviously didn’t have much experience with the activity, but was going all-in. Brady cleared his throat behind her as the nurse chewed my lips nervously.
bonus points for using them in order