“Shut Up and Let Me Fly the Plane”
and waited.
- every single one’s got a story to tell
- trying to enjoy sex together
- textured, oily surface
- getting a little bit slick
Tune in next time part 315 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Shut up and let me fly the plane,” Xylona said.
And so I did. I shut up and waited. Soon John fell asleep, leaning back against my chest, so while I waited I let my hands roam about the cockpit, identifying all of the controls by touch. I wanted to be ready to wrest control of the aircraft from my aunt if it seemed like she was going to betray me. I have so many enemies, and every single one’s got a story to tell, I’m sure, about why they have it in for me.
I wished there was one person I could trust. Just one person who I didn’t have to worry about plotting to kill me while trying to enjoy sex together.
Of course I didn’t want that person to be my aunt. I’d just be happy if my aunt wasn’t actively trying to kill me while I was trapped in a biplane she was piloting. I sighed.
My exploring right hand encountered a textured, oily surface that I could not identify. After a moment of prodding I identified it as John’s bare thigh and moved on.
“We’ll be landing momentarily.” Xylona’s voice crackled through the headset. “The landing strip is getting a little bit slick from all the rain, so buckle up.”
I looked down over the side and saw no land anywhere, just a speck on the water that rapidly grew as we swooped closer. It was an aircraft carrier. A black and gold aircraft carrier with a majestic zeppelin tethered to the prow.
This was Fleur’s personal craft. I counted backwards on my fingers and realized she would be due to give birth to our twins any day now.
I gulped, remembering the prophecy.
bonus points for using them in order