“She’ll Be Forced To Eat Snow”
It’s winter.
- brief encounter with Rebecca
- (pomegranates?)
- freeballin’ with a fanny pack on
- felt like a caveman discovering fire
Tune in next time part 744 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“She’ll be forced to eat snow,” Fleur explained, as if I had requested clarification, “because of the snow. On the ground. It’s winter. In Prague, it’s winter. Oh, shit. Now I remember. Rebecca always spends the winter in Prague.”
“Do you mean, that Rebecca?”
Fleur nodded sullenly.
Oh, shit, indeed. I had only partial recall of my own brief encounter with Rebecca, just enough to know it had involved fruit (pomegranates?) and a whole lotta freeballin’ with a fanny pack on.
“In that case,” I said, “maybe you should stop her before she reaches the bridge.” This was it, at last. This was how I would rid my bathroom of interlopers before Tessa’s presence was discovered. I felt like a caveman discovering fire as I pictured Fleur’s departing, sudsy backside.
“Nah,” Fleur said. “I’m sure it won’t be so bad. I bet she doesn’t even remember what we were fighting over.”
bonus points for using them in order