Scrim Gazed Up At Nurse Marnie
his chin began to quiver
- My best friends and I engaged in it too
- that seemed strange
- lover with the most gumption
- addition of plastic footwear didn’t help
Tune in next time part 514 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Scrim gazed up at Nurse Marnie, and his chin began to quiver. “I understand. I see how it is. The thrill of bathing with bears is undeniable. My best friends and I engaged in it, too, but I no longer have a bear. But Doctor Thunderboom does.”
I glanced to Brady for some cue about beginning our ruse, but he was distracted trying to assist Kabbadan Scrim back to his feet. Marnie left my side and went over to the bear. That seemed strange. Stranger yet, she engaged in what appeared to be a whispered conversation with it.
“To business!” Brady announced, rubbing his hands together.
“Yes, to business,” Scrim agreed blandly. “I got my hopes up, upon seeing that lovely, familiar face, but it’s only right for her to choose the lover with the most gumption.”
Brady clapped him on the back. “Well, nothing like paying a large sum for a weather control device to mend a broken heart, right?”
A loud sloshing noise interrupted, as the bear stood up and a veritable waterfall poured from its pelt. It was visibly struggling to step out over the side of the fountain, almost slipping and falling several times. The addition of plastic footwear didn’t help it get traction on the smooth, wet surfaces.
Nurse Marnie was shooting me an unreadable look.
bonus points for using them in order