Science Series Editing Complete!

The astute Skelleyverse blog reader will have read last week’s post about constructing a preliminary plot rainbow for the Ghost Novels and surmised that we are done editing the Science Series. Good surmising! We did finish, right at the end of January.

Grandson of Science Novel came in 5,200 words lighter than where it started, which is about a chapter’s worth of words. Maybe a chapter and a half. We didn’t remove any large chunks of prose, and (unlike the middle book in this series) we didn’t even need to rearrange anything. We tell the same amazing tale, just more efficiently.

Our year of editing is over. It’s time to put away our flensing knives and sandpaper and turn our attention to a new project. And honestly? We’re relieved. Editing is hard work.

A coauthor isn’t just a writing partner, but an editing partner, too.

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