“Say The Word Now!”
- downright strange yet glamorous outfits
- live happily in a cheese factory
- the relatively large size of his feet
- Madam, I think we
Tune in next time part 762 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Say the word now!” Zeus Pamplemousse roared. “I gave you three guesses, so the next thing that comes out of your mouth will use the first one.”
This was bad, but he had left me no way to reason with him about it. I shut my eyes and tried to blank my mind, leaving a void where the thing I needed most — the word that this moon-maniac was demanding — would have space to pop up. I drew a deep breath and exclaimed:
I hadn’t known what I was going to say, but it sounded right. It was just the sort of empty buzzword that would mean a great deal to someone like Zeus, whose parliament consisted of automata garbed in downright strange yet glamorous outfits, who used to live happily in a cheese factory because he thought it was where the secret world government had hidden its headquarters. He probably thought it was where the raw material for the moon itself was manufactured. The most charitable thing I’d ever heard said of him was that he was a competent dancer, which was especially notable given the relatively large size of his feet. There was every chance he didn’t actually have a specific word in mind.
Zeus Pamplemousse turned back to Tessa and said softly, “Madam, I think we need a moment to confer.”
bonus points for using them in order