“Rude Drivers. They Kill People.”
a man in a white spacesuit
- the greedy bastards
- workers washing their boots
- the pilots had been drinking
- They kill people
- code word to alert the bodyguard
“Rude drivers. They kill people.”
Steve returned to his magazine, hoping to read in peace until take-off. A man in a white spacesuit had the seat beside him, and seemed determined to pry into Steve’s reasons for everything, up to and including his choice of air travel over the highway.
As he read an article about workers washing their boots as part of a work stoppage, the greedy bastards striking for more pay and more days off, Steve heard a commotion in first class. Some celebrity and his whole entourage were trying to leave the cabin, the spoiled celeb calling out “guacamole!” over and over.
It must have been a code word to alert the bodyguard that the pilots had been drinking.
Both of this week’s stichomancy prompt posts could be adapted and used in the music novel. Can’t you just see our musician shouting, “Guacamole!” as he tries to flee an airplane?
His band doesn’t use samples, so my record review from Monday would need a bit of revision.
Maybe the Danish East Asia Company is a different band. That review could still work its way into the story. Fleeing an airplane, yes. Shouting “Guacamole!” seems a little out of character. “Mac and Cheese!” would be more like him.