Roger Joined the Crowd
a ceremony of solemnity and grandeur
- caught her round the waist
- fairly jigging with frustration
- governmental-seeming buildings
- device in the leather bindings
Roger joined the crowd approaching the governmental-seeming buildings to see what all the fuss was about. They were fairly jigging with frustration for the gates to open. Roger came to the slow understanding that the buildings were not governmental, but religious, but by then it was too late and he could not escape the throng’s gravity. He was swept inside on a surge of humanity and grudgingly took up a position near the middle.
Like all religious rites, Roger expected this to be a ceremony of solemnity and grandeur and was prepared to be very bored. His attitude changed when the curtains were drawn back, exposing a large aquarium which housed an enormous blue octopus. A young woman wearing a leafy headdress and a pink bikini was lowered over the tank and began to sing. Apparently there was a microphonic device in the leather bindings suspending her, because Roger could hear her quite well. Her voice was not very good.
Just then, the octopus reached one long cerulean tentacle out of the water and caught her round the waist.
Her amplified screams rang through the building, and her safety tether snapped.
Roger looked away as her leafy headdress slipped beneath the waves.