Ripples Would Betray Him
Character – ninja, just one week from retirement
- Setting – penguin enclosure
- Object – snorkel
- Situation – revenge
Ripples would betray him, so there were no ripples.
Shivering would reveal his lack of adaptation to this environment, so there was no shivering.
Oddly, the snorkel didn’t seem to pose a problem.
Swimming among the penguins behind the glass, Jin sought to merge with their graceful motion the way his black garb helped him blend with their distinctive coloration. Swimming, he watched the crowd on the other side of the glass. Watched for them to note something amiss, watched for them to discover that one of the penguins was actually a ninja. Hoped they wouldn’t realize that, in fact, two of them were.
Na must be in here somewhere, too. The one who had dishonored the guild and deflowered Jin’s betrothed. He could only be hiding among the penguins, because Jin knew he wasn’t in any of the other traditional ninja hideouts.
Time was of the essence. Jin and Na were both only a week from retirement, and union rules were very strict about seeking vengeance once a shadow warrior started drawing a pension. But Jin knew he was close, that he need only be patient a little longer.
The time would soon be right. The place was certainly right.
Revenge, after all, was best served cold.