Reggie Was Growing Disenchanted
“Blowing hard on his face,”
- from a roadside zoo in Florida
- order his midnight niblets
- or ugly or evil
- his particular phobia is length
- forced to labor in the vineyards
- Attacking me, mind you!
Reggie was growing disenchanted with the casting process for the Hieronymus Warhol movie.
“Does he have references?” she asked of an actor hoping to play the hero.
“Yes,” signed Jen. “But they’re from a roadside zoo in Florida.”
Reggie snorted and tossed the headshot aside. “He is not outrageous or ugly or evil-smelling enough, plus his particular phobia is length, if you know what I mean. He’ll never work as Hero.”
“He should be forced to labor in the vineyards until he no longer desires an acting career,” agreed Jen.
Jen picked up the next headshot from the pile beside the margaritas. She whistled and handed it to Reggie.
“Blowing hard on his face,” Reggie said, “is how I would like to start my morning.”
“Why don’t you order his midnight niblets and see where it leads?” said Jen.
Reggie smirked. “I would if I didn’t need to worry about Naveen’s jealousy attacking. Attacking me, mind you! If Naveen’s jealousy would settle for only attacking this handsome actor, it might be worth a try.”
Some days, I truly do miss the Hero-verse…